Sustainability In Regards to Electric Powered Cars


Sustainability consists of three different aspects of civilization: society, economy, and the environment. All three aspects must be taken into account whenever making decisions about how to prosper in the present and in the future, by balancing economic progress, social progress, and conservation of Earth’s resources. This NY Times article was about different countries planning to eventually ban gasoline and diesel powered cars. The chief executive of General Motors put emphasis that this decision should be made by the customers, rather than forcing them to buy electric cars, that the customers have a right to choose the “technology that meets their needs” (Bradsher). G.M. in China have been attempting to create plug-in hybrid vehicles that can drive 50 miles per charge on the electric battery and 100 miles after that on the gas engine. The decision and her statements have come into debate on whether vehicles should be allowed to progress to become more green.

In order for our society to progress, we need to take into account all three aspects of sustainability. It is important to introduce the idea that cars should be altered to be more environmentally friendly, because diesel and gasoline powered cars contribute a significant amount of CO2 emissions that increase air pollution and global warming. However, it is also important to ensure that the economic and social aspects of society can support this decision based on the concept of complete sustainability. If the electric car is not as efficient and more expensive than a gasoline car, a majority of people, unless committed to helping the environment, will go for that option. The chief executive made a fair point that the customers will choose according to their needs. The only way to promote the greatest amount of sustainability and progress for society is to continue trying to improve the efficiency of environmentally friendly cars to the point that they reach the efficiency level of gasoline and diesel powered cars in technology and mileage, and then proceed to phase out a need for gasoline cars. They must also take into account the cost of the cars and the living styles of the majority population, whether they afford to be environmentally friendly. Despite everything, it was also important for countries to announce their inclination to introduce and promote electric powered cars as being an important and hopefully established part for the future of our society if we want to continue living on Earth comfortably.

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