
A Sustainable Future Powered by SeaThe blades of this five-blade turbine are made of a soft material and they rotate on their axis when influenced by ocean waves -- the diameter of the turbine is about 0.7 meters. The axis is attached to a permanent magnet electric generator, which is the part of the turbine that transforms the ocean wave energy into usable electricity. The ceramic mechanical seal protects the electrical components inside of the body from any saltwater leakage. This design allows the turbine to function for ten years before it need replacing. Credit: Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit

This water turbine converts water currents and waves into energy. Professor Tsumoru Shintake at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University developed this turbine to create energy from the currents off the coast of Japan. Not only do these turbines improve life on land but they also protect the land by being used as wave breakers that prevent erosion of the shores. This is a new development is still in its beginning stages but are projected to be ready for installation.

This is a perfect example of sustainability.  This turbine can be a clean replacement for fossil fuels and their pollution into the environment. It can also protect the land form erosion. While they are still looking for a cheaper and easier method to maintain the turbine, the other pillars of sustainability are certainly there. The environment is enhanced and the society benefits for the energy that is created “Using just 1% of the seashore of mainland Japan can [generate] about 10 gigawats [of energy], which is equivalent to 10 nuclear power plants.” Using this alternative energy can mean making a difference in our lives and the lives of the next generation.


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