Hurricane’s Effect on Florida Drinking Water

With several hurricanes making the news, lately, and our class’s focus on water, I became interested in how these storms were effecting the drinking water supply of the various places they made landfall. This article describes the measures certain populations in Florida must now take to self-decontaminate their drinking water, due to some burst pips, for the time being. The article goes on to say that it is believed that these city’s drinking water may be contaminated by sewage and/or bacteria. People in these areas are instructed to boil their water or even add bleach in order to make it less harmful to ingest.

This article was destressing to me. not only did it make me appreciate my own fresh water, something that I have come to take for granted, but it also made me truly think of the blight that some of my fellow Americans are going through. I can’t even imagine having to out BLEACH in way watr in order to make it safer to drink – safer, not safe.

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