Natural Disasters and Sustainability

Recently, it seems as if horrific natural disasters are affecting the earth at quantities unseen before. Although we think of natural disasters like hurricanes as forces that are unpreventable and inevitable, some are starting to question whether these storms are actually the effect of the action humans. We know about climate change and the destruction of the ozone layer, but many do not associate sustainability with the prevention of natural disasters. The New York Magazine article “The Specter of Climate Change Hangs Over Hurricane Harvey” states that “…global warming has meant more moisture in the air, which intensifies rainfall and flooding, and significant sea-level rise, which leads to bigger and more invasive storm surges.” It is very scary to think that these record-breaking storms are at the scale that they are due to human actions. The earth is clearly sending us the message that our current actions are dangerous and unsustainable.

Being that we won’t be leaving the Earth anytime soon, finding ways to keep our planet in an ideal state is essential. The increase in fossil fuels and toxic pollution is causing the Earth to create disasters that are worse than ever. As humans, we most find resources that give us energy that will allow the Earth to remain healthy for future generations. Hurricanes like Harvey and Maria are causing devastation that will take years to fix. If we want to lessen the impacts of storms like these in the future, the switch to sustainable actions must begin now.

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