Water Sustainability

Water is essential for the existence of all life on Earth. It is crucial to preserve water through projects like watersheds, and sewer treatment plants to control flooding and water contamination. New York City’s DEP has one of the most complex wastewater systems in the world. Our water system delivers one billion gallons  of drinking water to nine million New Yorkers every single day. The Mayor’s Office of Sustainability is working along with the DEP to install ad repair hundreds of new water fountains and bottle refiners in areas throughout New York, This will prevent unnecessary excess consumption of plastic bottles when refiners are available to the public. The use of plastic bottles add to pollution by increasing waste in our landfills when they are not recycled. In the 1970s alone, New York spent $1.7 billion water protection. Additionally, as an alternative method to capture storm water runoff, a Green Infrastructure program has been adopted. These “green areas” capture stormwater before it can enter the sewage system and cause flooding, and lead to unfiltered water because of the overflow.



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