North Atlantic Winds Could Power the Whole World

Wind energy is a renewable source that can help achieve sustainability in our society. However, there are many complications that impede this idea to come to life. This article from Anthropocene Magazine gives new innovations and discoveries involving this  energy source that can improve the finer points of implementing wind energy into our society’s needs. Harnessing the power of the wind to create energy is nothing new. However, “the first offshore wind farm in the US, off the coast of Rhode Island, went online last year”(Anthropocene).  Scientists are pushing to see the boundaries that oceanic winds can play in creating a reliable and renewable energy source. There are many ways that overseas wind farms are safer, more potent and reliable. The massive power of the North Atlantic winds, and the North Atlantic current  carry dramatic changes on the lands in the area. The winds and the deep and shallow currents work together to bring the warm weather to that North Atlantic. It is time we started using the resources we have had for so long to create a sustainable society to live in.

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