Not Listening Can Hurt

We have always heard about the horrible things humanity has done to the environment. The oil spills and waste pollution are just some of the ways that our oceans are being contaminated. We feel guilty because we are shown images of the creatures and the filth they have to endure. However, there is another type of pollution that may be lesser known: noise pollution. In this New York Times article, oysters, as well as other marine life have been hurt badly by “commercial shipping, oil exploration, recreation and even scientific research.” The oysters close their shells when they feel distressed to block out the noise. However, this deafens them to the important biological noises that are part of their way of life. Although it might not seem as though we are hurting the environment because we can’t see the effects as clearly, they are nevertheless just as critical as other types of pollution. We have to be conscious and consider all of the human impacts on the environment, not just the obvious ones.

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