Climate change can really harm your health… yikes.

Althouhg climate change has consistently been identified as an environmental issue, it has also been revealed to cause major health problems for people. Many medical journals, including the Lancet, have “reported that pollution of the air, water and soil is “the largest environmental cause of disease and death in the world today, responsible for an estimated nine million premature deaths (Nesbit).” Many outdoor labor carreers have found that employee capacity has fallen about 5.3 percent due to sickness from heat stress and many other conditions make the work environment much more difficult. Additionally, “Temperatures much higher than the rising global average are occurring in large urban areas, afflicting, in particular, the elderly, children under 12 months and people with chronic cardiovascular and renal disease (Nesbit).” Studies show that lower income countries have been taking big hits to resources and gross domestic products due to climate risks. Not only is the environment and human health affected but the economy is affected as well. Climate change has increased the risk of spreading infectious diseases and is affecting treatment as aid decreases rapidly. Citizens need to be alerted and changes need to be made to ensure a healthier and safer society.

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