Designed by Kids, Serving the Community

The key to sustainability is balance. How do we find a way to serve the community—economically and socially—but at the same time preserve the environment?  Children in P.S. 120Q found their own way to contribute a solution by designing a ‘green’ playground that would lessen toxic wastewater flow in their area of Flushing Creek Watershed. Previously, $500 million have been poured into cleanup initiatives in Flushing Creek; however, this park hits closer to home, bringing a more personal tie to the community and its kids (over a fifth of the population!). Designed by the students and faculty of P.S. 120Q, the park incorporates shrubs, trees, and pervious pavers with the potential to redirect and capture up to 500,000 gallons of water per year of rainwater in storm events. Furthermore, a synthetic turf field in the park harbors crushed porcelain from over 3,000 crushed toilets. The hope is that the porous material will serve to soak up at least an inch of rain water to alleviate stress on the sewer system.

I am reminded our conversation in class about the ways in which green infrastructure can be such a helpful mechanism, and yet must fit into the theme or personality so to say, of the community. We have seen examples of ‘sponge’ plants and shrubs incorporated into sidewalks or little islands, but what more perfect way to fit into the community than to bring it all back to those who will be the community’s future? Not only is the park a lovely sight—beautifully constructed lines connecting all parts in an organic and colorful manner—but it is also functional, combining elements of greenery with porous ground and material. Flushing Creek itself is also incredibly polluted and congested due to many forgotten, yet abused waterways. I think that bringing such young minds together and showing them that compromise for urban sustainability can bring many benefits despite challenges is an important message for both their future, and ours.

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Works Cited:

“New, State-of-the-Art Green Playground, Designed by Students at P.S. 120Q, Improves the Health of Flushing Creek.” New, State-of-the-Art Green Playground, Designed by Students at P.S. 120Q…,

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