Rising Sea levels in NYC


The risk of flooding has increased in NYC due to a rise in sea levels caused by pollution, global warming etc. The research preformed in this article shows that Antarctic ice sheets will melt, green house gases will increase and this will become visible  in sea level in New York City. We need to further exam this because flooding itself does not cause shock value/great concern but flooding will cause loses to biodiversity and property damage. Along with organism displacement future NYC residents are at risk by, “2100 the estimated 500-year flood height would be 17 feet, and by 2300 the 500-year flood height would be about 50 feet” (Penn State). Although 2100 seems far far away, it is not. Future changes in sea level and storms would be smaller if policies were put into place.

Policy makers should tax corporations more (specifically tax oil/fuel companies) if they chose to continue with non eco-friendly methods. This will push companies to develop better practices and dimish the risk of future flooding especially in NYC. Along with this NYC residents should reduce their waste because if not future generations will have to deal with the mess we’ve created and perpetuated.

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