Water Sustainability

Caroline Zuba

Water sustainability is an important topic, especially in regions missing adequate water supplies. In this TED video, Fahad Al-Attiya discusses how Qatar creates its water supply. With suddenly increasing populations, the country utilizes technology to create a water supply. In this case, they use the process of desalination from lakes and rivers.

He also mentions the crisis that is about to occur. People are demanding more meat and other energy-needing foods. At the same time, climate change is declining yields. Qatar only has enough water reserved to last under two days. Big companies are also ruining the small farmers.

In our classroom discussions, we have often talked about how important companies are to sustainability. Though he mentions industry, Al-Attiya is the one who creates them – they are not the ones monitoring, lobbying, or forming policies. He intends to promote education and technology to support a sustainable solution for the water needed.

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