Water Sustainability

We are in an interesting, vicious, endless cycle of consumers continuously demanding more from industries, but expecting the increase of production  to also include products that are both safe and sustainable for themselves and the planet. This becomes an issue when industries such as agriculture face several issues with water risks, including water crises impacting the global economy, and many companies experiencing water-related losses.

To be able to keep up with the modern sustainable mindset of the population, certain food and beverage companies go the extra mile to ensure that they only get resources provided to them by environmentally responsible sources. This encourages agriculture companies to have to meet certain sustainability standards, however, the main issue is that water facets are not explicitly controlled, thus prompting a need to define water facet related standards more clearly and highlight them to companies.

Ultimately, the goal is to keep encouraging sustainability standards in agricultural supply chains, but we need to make sure that these standards span across the entire sustainability spectrum, especially water.


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