Water Sustainability With Fashion

It is no secret that Michigan has dealt with a horrifying water crisis, that forced citizens to find alternative ways of getting water. It is astonishing to think this problem has been going on since April of 2014. Because of this tragedy, many Flint residents have been forced to buy a large supply of water bottles for their everyday needs. Unfortunetly, water pollution in Flint has been causing another type of pollution as well- plastic pollution. Plastic contributes to most of the trash floating in our oceans today, killing sea creatures and creating a damaging cycle that can pollute our water even further. Although using plastic water bottles is not a choice that Flint residents have at the moment, it is clear that this is not a sustainable way of receiving water and that the problem needs to be fixed starting from its roots. This scenario is the perfect example of why sustainability is crucial to keeping our Earth green. This temporary solution is polluting our waters even further.

Artist Mel Chen brings some light into this situation by using the plastic bottles in Flint to make raincoats, swimwear, and other clothing. He states that this can create jobs and climate a large amount of plastic from polluting the earth. Chen gives us hope that there are many creative and unthought ways we can eliminate waste from our waters. However, we must work to find ways where we will be creating minimal waste to begin with, so solutions like these would not be necessary.

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