Battery Park Trip

My first thought while walking around the grounds surrounding the Solaire Building was “I want to live here.” At first, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be seeing, and then I understood that every part of constructing this building and the area around it was planned with green design. The area used rainwater collection and grey water reuse. Even the public restrooms use low-flow or dual-flush toilets. It’s bicycle friendly. Battery Park is one of the most desirable neighborhoods in NYC and the Solaire building sets a great example of what our future can look like.

I was a little more stumped when it came to the 9/11 memorial fountain and the balloon flower. I was thinking that the balloon flower has fountains on the floor and those drains can be used to drain rain water. However, I’m not sure how big of an impact this would make. Maybe it just draws attention to the fact that what we do to help the environment can go hand in hand with something beautiful. When it came to the 9/11 memorial, I assume many people think of the vast amounts of water it contains and collects, but I have a hard time trying to connect a memorial for such a tragedy to serving a different purpose.

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