A Walk Around Battery Park

I have been to Battery Park City too many times to count but I never once stopped to think about the way that the water systems operate in the area. Being able to finally analyze and understand the concept of sustainability when it comes to water systems definitely made my experience in Battery Park more different but beneficial. My first stop on my tour of Battery Park City was the Solaire building. The Solaire is a great example of a potential solution to the issue of combined sewage overflows in the city. The Solaire reuses treat black and grey water and uses solar panels, showing the possibility of turning the entire city into a sustainable integrated water system. The integrated water system that the Solaire building uses combines sewer water, storm water, and groundwater. The solar panels provide a sustainable power source. The Solaire building is surrounded by many parks that incorporate green infrastructure into the setting. Roosevelt Field Park as well as Teardrop Park have enough green space so that the porous grounds reduce stormwater runoff. More green infrastructure can help and prevent future flooding issues. The 9/11 memorial fountain can be a start to creating a more sustainable future as the use of grey and black treated water instead of drinking water is a step in the right direction.

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