Is it too late?

Throughout the entire semester we have learned about the dangerous effects of global warming and what it means for our future in sustainability. We know what the causes and effects are but how catastrophic are they now and later on? This article from ScienceDaily presents research of what is irreversible and what is not. It gives a hard truth and a bit of hope to overcome certain disasters. Sea levels are rising and that fact is undeniable and unfortunately unavoidable. However, with a reduction of greenhouse gases we are able to prevent temperatures from rising because, “A warmer atmosphere can hold more water, so rainfall would be more intense,” says Prof. Betts from the University of Exeter. Rising ocean levels can mean severe weather for coastal regions all around the world. However, we can limit flooding, droughts, and other extreme weather by reducing the increasing temperature. There is a case study in Bangladesh were climate change has too much of an impact. With more research and more action we can turn the tide and save millions of lives from the destructive effects of global warming.

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