Alaska’s Permafrost is in Danger

We all know that a huge consequence of climate change is the fact that our water supply would be in danger and our sea waters would rise. This is especially true for The Arctic.

According to scientists from Woods Hole Research Center,”the most urgent is the fate of permafrost, the always-frozen ground that underlies much of the state.”

This permafrost contains twice as much carbon as there is in the atmosphere, from plants that took carbon dioxide from the environment centuries ago. Scarily, once this permafrost thaws, microbes can convert some of it into carbon dioxide and methane, causing even more warming to our already endangered planet. Not to mention, the wildlife and residents who live around the area would experience harmful, drastic changes. 

Out negligence to fix the issue of climate change with urgency is creating much more damage to our earth than raising its temperature. It is affecting our water supply, and directly melting structures of ice vital to keeping homeostasis to our environment. We must conserve not only the water that we drink, but the water that gives structure and protection to places such as the arctic. With a combination of green and grey infrastructure and governments coming together to set a clear path to a sustainable world, we can stop Alaska’s permafrost from thawing completely and preserve the Earth for many future generations to come.

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