Green City Design

“Liuzhou Forest City will be the first urban settlement in China that will be able to generate its own renewable energy, increase biodiversity, and effectively reduce urban air pollution—which is a major challenge for present-day China.”

Not only is this a major challenge for present-day China, it is also a concern for most other developed nations are facing. We need to start looking at sustainability on a global scale and working together to live in an environmentally friendly manner together by sharing innovations and ideas. There has been a lot of pushback on green design due to people not understanding the severe deleterious climate impact our current way of life is exerting on the Earth. People are also worried about the way change will impact their current way of life and accessibility to priorly expected comforts.

Here are the facts:

“Covering an area of approximately 175 hectares along the Liuzhou River, Forest City will have offices, houses, hotels, hospitals, and schools that will be entirely covered by a total of 40,000 trees and close to a million plants, including over 100 species. It will be connected to the main city of Liuzhou by a rail line with electrical train cars.”

We can still lead our ordinary lives in an environment that is designed to both serve us as well as our planet. This new city that China is planning to develop proves that a functioning metropolitan city can also compromise some space for nature and biodiversity. But can they truly hold a large amount of people while covering up every single persons environmental footprint?

“The new city will be able to accommodate an estimated 30,000 people, and its plant-covered buildings are expected to absorb close to 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide and 57 tons of pollutants, while producing approximately 900 tons of oxygen per year.”

Not only have they figured out a way to absorb the toxins we release into our environment, but found a solution to plant enough plants to supply us and our areas with excessive oxygen. It is time for us to learn from each other and start initiative cities like this world wide!

Construction is expected to begin in 2020. Can’t wait to watch the progress!!

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