Money is of the essence for the future of Texas

Texas has come to the conclusion that something needs to be done about the so called infrastructure that hasn’t done much protecting in the case of Hurricane Harvey. Texans are terrified that if improvements to infrastructure aren’t made, they might suffer much bigger losses in the future when other natural disasters, such as hurricanes, occur. Therefore, they are demanding $61 billion dollars from the federal government to ensure that they have “proof” that infrastructure is being worked on and bettered. However, no one is aware if the government is willing to comply. Flooding has been at an all time high in Texas but Congress may be unwilling to oblige to the demands of Texas. This is because Congress is already demanding large donations to other areas that have suffered from natural disasters such as Puerto Rico, California, and etc. “”We all know it’s going to happen again. There’s going to be another storm,” said Billy Hamilton, No. 2 to the state’s Harvey “recovery czar,” John Sharp. “So, instead of paying us over and over to fix these houses every three years, give us enough money to fix the problem. (The Associated Press)” However, Texas is not giving up. Texas has come up with a plan outlining the needs to repair the current damaged system and have addressed the need for more money to make improvements. However, their wish may never come true as large sums of money have already been donated.

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