Floating Cities a Reality

With the rise in water levels rising slowly due to climate change, a great concern has been having cities under water. Scientists have been working hard to prevent the rise in sea levels, but some are wondering if there is an alternate way to swerve the problem. Cities that lay floating in the middle of the sea has been something seen only science fiction movies. However, with the concern of rising water levels greater than ever, floating cities seem to be something that is not so far from our reach.

Organizations are now attempting to convince others that seasteading, or having self-sustaining cities floating in international waters,  is not such a crazy idea. According to The New York Times, “At the center of the effort is the Seasteading Institute, a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco.” Of course, many are skeptical, and it will no doubt be expensive and time-consuming to research ways that seasteading will be possible. Despite this, firm believers are convinced seasteading is more than just a far-fetched dream, and companies are working hard to make it a reality.

Although I believe floating cities will look beautiful and that with enough work it can be done, I believe that it is important to make it that we never need floating cities in the first place. We must create a sustainable world with the resources we have now, instead of looking for alternative ways of living for when we destroy the Earth.

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