Battery Park City Adventure


How could the engineering of these systems fit into the cities integrated water management plans? What about for your assigned sewershed?

The cities integrated water management plans, including our chosen location of Chinatown which is affected by the Lower Manhattan Newton Creek sewer shed, could greatly benefit from the engineering of the Solaire systems. We could make promoting green infrastructure more alluring if it came with sustainable water systems that reclaim black and grey water which would allow for reusing water and the added benefit of not needing to use fertilizer, just like the open grounds around the Solaire. Taking care of our parks will be crucial as storm surges intensify, and parks such as the one between the Solaire and the waterfront can be focused on to instill systems for flood attenuation and stormwater management. Such systems would be beneficial in all the parks and spaces that border lower manhattan and the rising water levels surrounding the island.

How could art be used to draw attention to and educate people about the fate of city stormwater? (hint….look down as you’re walking the streets on your walk around battery park city)

Art could be used to highlight and emphasize current and future issues. The 9/11 memorial could serve both as a resting ground for our fellow Americans who’s lives were unfairly taken by the selfish act of terrorism, but also as an aesthetically pleasing corner of busy battery park city that uses sustainable water management systems to highlight water issues in the city. I am not sure why we were assigned to see the Jeff Koons Balloon Flower, but I am familiar with the artist and love his use of playful juxtaposition through his choice of taking a subject such as a balloon flower, which is light and airy, and giving it mass and density by choosing a heavy metal to make a sculpture depicting the subject, as well as a texture and shine that one would not expect from a balloon. The surrounding water fountain around the sculpture could be improved by using recaptured rain/stormwater or a sustainable water system that trapped and reused runoff water.

Feel free to check out my groups pictures of the Solaire, the park across the street, Teardrop park, the 9/11 Memorial, the Jeff Koons Balloon Flower, and our chosen location of Chinatown as the location most in need of attention related to our Lower Manhattan Newton Creek sewer shed, at this link:


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