Starting here at Brooklyn College

For our group project, we were assigned to address the problem of the Coney Island Sewershed and propose some solutions. Through realizing that we were currently IN our assigned sewershed, we began to think of solutions that could be done here at brooklyn college. After learning about the one water solutions in class and how water is being conserved by integrating lots of water systems in order to recycle the water, this implemented an idea of how we could recycle water here. Brooklyn College has lots of impermeable surfaces such as the roofs on most of the buildings. We think that maybe if we could catch rain water from these roofs and collect it in a basin, we could use the water to irrigate some plants on the plenty of greenspace at our college. We proposed a “farm to table” solution and maybe some of the restaurants in our area would buy some of these crops to use. This idea would allow a more sustainable environment for our community and we would be able to manage some water here so it doesn’t go to waste.


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