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This seminar has allowed me another semester of strengthening my relationships with my Macaulay friends, as well as allowing me to get to know more people from the program. Our poster presentation was an interesting journey, both because I got to get to know the girls in my group better, but also due to the research we put into the project. It was fun to collaborate on ideas and explore the city together with my group, and to be able to do so in a new environmental perspective I might have not observed my surroundings in before. My town was pretty harshly affected by Hurricane Sandy so I was aware of the issues contributed to flooding, but it was eye-opening to realize how severe of an issues flooding was, especially in areas that are densely populated by low income families that cannot afford to pay for expensive reparations and have no other home to go to if theirs gets destroyed in flooding. I wish we got to further explore the health issues that concern flooding, but we had so many different areas to get into in this project that we needed to focus on the ones that most captured the attention of our audience and highlighted why infrastructure has to be implemented as soon as possible. I also want to highlight my experience working with my fellow Macaulay students. Julia was my first friend in college so it was so nice to be able to spend more time with her, even if it was working on a project. I have had classes with Johanna and Naveera before, but I really enjoyed getting to know them more through this project. I don’t know if you know, but Johanna is one of the funniest girls in our class and Naveera has an absolutely magical singing voice! EXPOSED! Ultimately, this semester was an interesting mix of getting to know my fellow Macaulay peers better and to be able to understand the current climate and environmental issues form a new perspective, as well as understand how they affect me and the world around me, and how easily they could be solved with more awareness and funding! THANK YOU FOR A GREAT SEMESTER!!

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