Laws and Sustainability

Living a sustainable lifestyle is becoming increasingly important. Global warming seems to be an insurmountable problem – with politicians that refuse to pass legislation to promote sustainability or refuse to fund programs that combat global warming. Which is why de Blasio’s recent actions concerning sustainable living are so important – as a politician and a citizen. In the article “De Blasio’s gap on climate policy? It’s under his front door,” William Neuman notes the incongruencies between the way De Blasio talks about sustainable living and

his actions. “Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to be seen as a leader in fighting global warming, and he says that everyone needs to do their part,” however,  de Blasio’s two manhattan homes have appliances (natural gas-fueled boiler and hot water heater) that do not meet the Energy Star standards.In fact, basic measures that make homes more

 energy efficient have not been taken – “the windows on his former residence appeared old and not well sealed. Some window air-conditioning units on both buildings were enclosed by plastic accordion panels that easily let in heat and cold. There was a half-inch gap under the front door of the two-story rental building, with nothing in place to prevent drafts.”  There is no excuse for the lack of these basic steps that promote sustainability. As the mayor of New York City, de Blasio is expected to be a model citizen for sustainable living – not just pass regulation, if he desires to be a spokesperson against global warming. 

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