Advancement in Sustainability


A newly developed system of solar powered electrolysis cells that can convert carbon dioxide into hydrocarbon and oxygenate products has been created. This newly created system is said to mimic photosynthesis at a more efficient rate than plants. In more recent years we have seen a deterioration Earth’s climate. This has been apparent with a rise in temperature levels, global warming and the thinning O-Zone layer. A system like this is pivotal.

This system could become one of the lead methods of alternative energy. Politicians often make excuses for not investing in methods of sustainability, but this method is powered by the sun- a free factor that will never be in deficit. Not only is this method efficient it is also incredibly cheap. At the rate that we are using harmful energy sources we are going to continue to face serious consequences . Therefore, this plan gives us a solution to continue to live our indulgent lives while being conscience of our effects on the environment. This method is a step forward in science and living a more sustainable life.

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