Climate Change Causes the US Billions of Dollars in Taxes

Santa Rose Fire

Climate change has caused devastating hurricanes and storms alone in this year. In the past decade, storms, droughts, and wildfires arose because of climate change and now Americans are paying to repair the damages in tax dollars. In the past decade, $350 billion have been spent on disaster relief programs, aid and insurance to reverse the effects of the damages. This does not include the three hurricanes this year alone that have been the worst yet. According to the Chicago Tribune, the federal government does not plan for these costs accordingly, and instead refer to costs that arose because of climate change as “high risk”. To manage the risks of climate change, the government needs to take into account the data that scientists have presented that prove climate change is worsening, and install programs and enact laws that can reduce the effects of climate change. Senator Cantwell, a Democrat on the Senate Committee on energy and Natural Resources requested stats from the GAO that very accurately link consequences of climate change on the economy and our tax dollars. With the appointed environment adviser at the White House, Kathleen Hartnett White, claiming the fossil fuel industry has only improved the standard of living of Americans, tax dollars will continue to rise as a results of a worsening climate change unless immediate action is taken to prevent such repurcussions

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