climate change on a smaller scale

When I hear climate change I immediately rematch the whole Day After Tomorrow movie in my head, or I picture Florida submerged under water. However, when I simply googled climate change, I learned that Europe’s irregular weather is causing problems with their olive production. In one part of Italy an untimely frost comes right when the trees should bear fruit, and in another it is extremely hot one day, followed by a week of fog and rain. Too much rain makes them grow too much, causing worms to invade them. Too little rain makes the leaves dry up. The owner had to literally buy shipments of water every day of the summer. While olives are not the most important thing in the world, I chose to tweet about this, because like the article says, “No one will go hungry if there’s not enough olive oil on the market. But the impact of climate change on such a hardy and high-end product is a measure of how global warming is beginning to challenge how we grow food.” If people don’t believe the drastic changes Earth will go through because of climate change, they might think it’s bizarre when they can’t get olive oil from its native country.

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