Discussion Question Submission Form


Use the form below to submit your discussion question. The form will close on 9 am on Wednesday so all questions can be compiled and sent to Prof. Cherrier before seminar meets.


Create an effective discussion question by including contextual information for your classmates. One way of creating context is to freewrite about your question or the thinking process in arriving at this particular discussion question. After freewriting for a few minutes, go over what you wrote and edit the info to include with your discussion question.

Here are some prompts to help your freewriting process:

  • What was going through your mind when coming up with questions?
  • Does this question remind you of another topic discussed elsewhere (not necessarily only in our class)?
  • How did you decide which question to ask?
  • How does your question relate to the ongoing topics discussed in Science Forward?
  • What kinds of Science Senses are required to answer this question, if any?
  • What other questions or issues are raised by your question? How are those question relevant or important to the class, your life, or any other events (past or present)?
  • Do you have a personal connection to the topic? How did this inform or influence your choice of question?

Please login to submit your question.