Battery Park City (Home of the Solaire)

Located in Battery Park City, the Solaire is a premier example of urban sustainability in practice. Built in 2003, the Solaire actively strives to limit the amount of water used (and potentially wasted) by the residents in the building. Through a highly efficient filtration system located in the basement, wastewater from bathrooms and kitchens is cleaned and recycled, then later used for various purposes like flushing toilets. But the sustainable framework of the Solaire extends beyond the water treatment process. The landscaped roof terrace at the top of the building has been the site of major green infrastructural practices. The specialized roof allows the building to not only collect rainwater (to be filtered through the system), but also harvest the sun’s energy through solar panels. Many of the sustainable features of the Solaire can be adopted by other buildings on a micro-level, and whole cities on a macro-level. Although the residential costs of living in the Solaire are still fairly high, this seemingly futuristic building proves that urban sustainability is quite achievable and beneficial.