City Summit 2017

Next week in Charlotte, North Carolina City Summit 2017 will be held to discuss the future of America’s cities.  Although water and sustainability won’t be the only topic of discussion, it will most definitely be an important and resonant topic.  A portion of the summit’s activities will be dedicated to cities that have started to use  One Water’s strategies to accomplish reforms in the way cities handle water.  Some of these cities include Tucson, Milwaukee, and Los Angeles.  Many American major cities are coming together and collaborating in planning for a more sustainable future.

One Water presents a comprehensive plan for water management in our future cities.  With a mind for sustainability, equitability, and affordability as well as health, safety, aesthetics, among other qualities, One Water is becoming increasingly attractive to more and more cities across the country.  However, what really makes One Water stand out from other options cities have in water management is its dedication to community involvement and collaboration and integration with local politics.  Considering One Water has partnered with the National League of Cities, the organizers of City Summit 2017, for this summit is evidentiary of their dedication to being involved on a deeply local scale. Understanding that water management is likely to be different for many cities, crafting specific plans following the general ideas and principles of One Water for different cities becomes easier.  Hopefully the 2017 City Summit produces some important pathways for future development of many cities’ water management plans.