Production Schedule Chin PONY 2015
Spring Break (April 3rd – 12th):
Groups work together to collect footage in their assigned neighborhood. Students collect still photo, video, and sound artifacts. For reference, below is a good model for working with still photos and voice over:
Week of Mar 30th and April 13th: Storyboarding, Photos, B-roll, Interview footage, Rough Cut, Final cut
Use the template from “Film Resources” to lay out the narrative for your film. Consider the film’s structure, as well as images (this is the footage you have collected: still photos, video, and found images) and text that will help you tell this story. Based on what you have collected, what research, resources, footage do you need to collect. You will need to move back and forth between the storyboard and your footage, as the two will affect each other.
Questions to answer during this exercise: What specifically have you learned about your area, and what do you want your audience to learn? What is the most interesting thing you have discovered in the course of your visual research?
>Week of April 20th iMovie and or Vimeo workshop.
Students will bring in the footage they have collected and their storyboards. We will learn the basics of iMovie by consulting our storyboards and laying out a basic structure for the film in iMovie. We will cover editing footage, inserting still photos, titles and text, as well as adding art and music. We will also show you how to create a voice-over.
>Week of April 27th Editing in Depth & Revisions
This week we will review your draft. (Perhaps even a peer-review session?) What role can a scripted voice-over play? Do you need to collect more images or revisit your site? How are you using still photos, art work?
>Week of May 4th and May 11th: Presenting your Work
Think about how to present films on the website, organize class website around the films. What context do we need to create in order to present these short documentaries?
>Week of May 18th End of Freshman year showing TBD