
This website, launched in the spring 2024 semester, compiles the posts made during SPACE (Society, People, Architecture, Culture, Environment). During the event, all participants join this site as authors and create posts to share their findings. You can view all of the posts on this page.

What’s SPACE?

SPACE is the common event for students in Seminar 2: The People of New York. It helps prepare you for putting together your final public-facing research projects for class.

What can I expect at SPACE?

During this event, you will learn a balance of research and technical skills. You will learn a social science research method and practice using it. Then, you will put your findings together into a post on this website. (All SPACE projects are visible here.)

The rundown of SPACE looks like this:

  1. At the start of your session, you will gather together with other students and facilitators from the Teaching and Learning Collaboratory at the Macaulay Building. Details about the room and time were shared with you when you registered.
  2. You will join this site as members and learn the basics about how to make posts. You may be shown how to make a test post at this point.
  3. Working in groups, you will learn about one of the following social science research skills: interviewing, mapping, or observation. You will learn about how to apply this skill to your research question, and how to conduct social science research ethically and responsibly.
  4. You will practice this research skill either in the Macaulay building or somewhere nearby, like Central Park or Lincoln Center.
  5. You will return to where you first gathered. Working in groups, you will put your findings together into a post on this site. You will write up what you’ve discovered, and you will learn how to upload multimedia to the web, including images, videos, or audio, and how to embed that content into your post.

Why eportfolios?

Eportfolios is the platform used for this event and throughout the Macaulay seminars. As a WordPress-based platform, eportfolios allows you to build public-facing sites to share your research (unlike Blackboard, for example).

After this workshop, you can use eportfolios to build your own site. It is a robust and powerful platform, and since it’s based on WordPress, your eportfolios skills are transferable. WordPress is among the most popular web platforms in the world, used for everything from personal blogs to massive corporations!