Share Your Project

To share your project on this site, there are a few steps you must complete:

  1. Join eportfolios
  2. Join this eportfolio
  3. Create a post to share your project

Remember, eportfolios is the name of our platform, on which there are several thousand individual eportfolios, covering student projects and portfolios, class sites and common events. It’s important to join both the platform as well as any particular eportfolio you’d like to interact with. And of course, once you’ve joined the platform, you can make an eportfolio of your own.

1. Join eportfolios

By this point, there is a good chance that you already have an eportfolio account from a prior semester. If you simply forgot your password, just try to log in and follow the steps for having forgotten your password. But if you’ve never created an eportfolio account before, follow the steps below.

  1. First, use the form at this page to receive a codeword. Make sure to enter your email address in this form or it won’t work. You’ll need this codeword when you set up your eportfolio account. (This is the same codeword we’ll share with you in person during SPACE.)
  2. Then, go here to create your eportfolio account.
  3. Finally, return to this page and complete the steps for joining this eportfolio below.

2. Join this ePortfolio

  1. Sign in to eportfolios here.
  2. Once you’re signed in, refresh this page and click the “Join This Site” button below. (If it says “Register For An Account,” you haven’t signed into eportfolios; if it says “Howdy, [username]!” then you’ve successfully joined this site!)

3. Create a Post to Share Your Project

Once you’ve joined this site, here’s how to post.

  1. Log in to Eportfolio
    Go to Macaulay’s eportfolios page, click “Log In” at the top, and log in. This will take you to your Dashboard.
  2. Select this Site
    From your Dashboard, move your cursor to “My Sites” in the top-leftmost corner of the screen. Click on this site from the dropdown.
  3. + New
    Click “+ New” at the top of the page. This will take you to the “Add New Post” page.
  4. Write Your Post
    In the “Add New Post” screen, you write the post you want to create. Enter the appropriate title and any text you want in the post. You can add multimedia (images, audio, etc.) as well by clicking the plus sign in the top-left corner and selecting the appropriate block. We’ll go over how to do this during SPACE once you return from collecting data.
  5. Choose Your Category
    Before publishing your post, make sure you choose the right category for it. Check off the date of your SPACE workshop.
  6. Choose Tags
    Type in some tags that are relevant to your project. Some examples include “interview,” “mapping,” “Central Park,” “Lincoln Center,” and “observation.”
  7. Publish!
    When your post is ready, click “Publish.”

If you’ve already made posts, but forgot to categorize them or add tags, you can always go back and edit them to add these. This makes sure that they show up in the right places on this website.