Sound Interview: Amna

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Amna’s audio in Central Park

The audio makes Amna feel the vastness of the city. She says it makes her think of the people of New York. For her, she likes that the people of New York mind their business, but she notes that once you get into a conversation with one– good luck!

Even though the people may have their ups and downs, Amna really loves the visual aspect of New York, something an audio doesn’t capture. She’s a big fan of the buildings here and thinks the architecture is really gorgeous. She mentions that the cultural diversity really adds to the sounds of New York.

Though the architecture enchants her, she doesn’t always come to the city because the public transportation is a real hassle. She dislikes how crowded it gets, and the sheer volume of people that are always in the subway, specifically.

Overall, Amna would still recommend people come to New York because it is a good experience, and you get to meet a lot of people different from you.


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