[AM] POPS: 1886 Broadway

  • 1886 Broadway

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    I would rate this space 3 stars out of 5. Visually, the place was very appealing since it was clean and featured interesting pyramid-design platforms for the plants. In terms of accessibility, the space includes benches, bike racks, and lots of signage that detail the amenities and requests like “No smoking,” “Please…curb your dog on the sidewalk,” and more. However, some signs are not very visible from some streets and the space is mostly surrounded by residential buildings which act as barricades and prevent the public from clearly seeing the space. Also, there are not any tables, which could have been useful for people who want to play a boardgame or eat, and the benches do not allow people to lay down which limits the amount of access the public has. Other than that, I like how the space is opened for a large range of time (8:00am-midnight), and has security cameras for safety.  – Sara Abdulla (Lehman College)

    See this post on its own page: 1886 Broadway
  • 1886 Broadway

    1886 Broadway

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    Mariah I. Massari from Queens College

    • It smells really good (like pizza) 
    • No one is here (very quiet) 
    • Near residential buildings, so it might not seem like a public space, but it is
    • Kind of hidden
    • There are places to sit
    • There are bike racks, so you can potentially bike here 
    • They have a nice water fountain, but it wasn’t on at the time
    • They have hostile benches, which is used to prevent homeless people from sleeping on them
    • Not too high shrubs
    • They have garbage cans to throw out stuff 
    • They have cameras
    • I feel like I can see myself here with friends maybe in the summer and when it’s not so cold.
    • They didn’t have any tables
    • It’s not too big

    Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

    See this post on its own page: 1886 Broadway
  • 1886 Broadway

    1886 Broadway

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    Rating: 2.5 / 5 stars

    Although full of greenery, the space was void of people (most likely due to the cold weather). I can only imagine how the space would look during the summer, but I imagine it would not garner too much people due to how remote the signs are (a total of 2 signs). The first sign we found was hidden in an almost random pillar facing walls rather than any incoming pedestrian, which foreseeably limits the foot traffic. There was a visible, almost threatening barrier around this space, namely building that seems to host residents. These building allude to the space being private which may chase off any potential enjoyer. There is also a lack of visible drinking water source (did not see one in my time there) and bathroom (or indicator of where to find one). The pros of this space is the vibrant plants in the middle of the property with birds fluttering occasionally, almost dancing with the plants. I can imagine how peaceful a potential lunch time could be here (when the weather warms up). There were plenty of benches but some tables would have been appreciated as well. Overall, a 2.5 out of 5 (was 3/5 until I started to write this review).

    Review by Selina Zheng (Macaulay Hunter ’27)

    Picture Below taken by Selina Zheng

    Feature Image Source is Unknown

    See this post on its own page: 1886 Broadway
  • 1886 Broadway

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    Rating: 3/5

    This POP seems to be purposely hidden from the public where multiple pilers were blocking its entrance. If one weren’t intentionally trying to find a quiet place to sit, then they most definitely would not cross paths with this POP. With it being towered over by a block full of apartment buildings/housing, it could be easily mistaken as a private location where only residents were allowed. There were multiple signs that said for people to refrain from smoking and eating to create a more friendly environment which is considerate. It was overall clean, with security cameras (providing a sense of safety) and the shrubs seemed to be taken care of which is great. It is very important for POPS to be accessible and welcoming and with this one being hidden, it will ultimately deduct points. It was also super cold today so I wonder if this POP is more popular during the summer.

    Kristen Sosa, Queens College

    See this post on its own page: 1886 Broadway
  • 1886 Broadway

    1886 Broadway

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    Lily Chen – Baruch

    Though this public space does have a large sign it is kind of hidden away. As you walk past Lincoln Plaza Cinemas there are four pillars and the sign is on the fourth pillar. If someone did not walk in further enough they could easily miss the sign. From the outside I also didn’t think this was a space I could enter in because it felt very tucked away in the back.

    Going further inside to the space, there are a couple benches and two trash cans. There wasn’t anyone around besides a family that was passing through with their children to go into a building nearby. I feel that this space would be more useful in the summer since it is so cold out nobody really wants to sit outside.

    As for the nature setting at this public space the front bushes were at a good height to indicate as a gate to not enter inside the grass but also low enough so that you can see the trees and larger bushes up top inside the garden. I would say this space is not bad but I am more of an indoor person so I prefer the Atrium public space more than this one.

    During our walk we also talked about hostile architecture which contradicts to the phrase “public space.” Though this area is public it is clear that there is an unnecessary bar at the center of the benches to maybe prevent homeless people from sleeping on it.

    See this post on its own page: 1886 Broadway