• NYC Interview w/Sabrena

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    By Melissa Dubrow and Sabrena Hassan

    While Sabrena and I were walking around together, we both captured different and various sounds of New York City. While interviewing Sabrena she told me that she took sounds of people walking and talking and she said that in New York City you constantly hear different sounds. Hearing people walking around and background conversation is just an ordinary sound to hear in NYC and we don’t notice it or internalize it until we’re reflecting on it. Hearing different voices and walking reminds her of the diversity of NYC and how we’re all different from each other and we all talk differently. I liked how she mentioned that people’s different shoe wear also contributed to the sounds and how individual style is something very alive in NYC culture.

    • sounds of people walking/indistinct conversation
    See this post on its own page: NYC Interview w/Sabrena
  • NYC Audio Interview with Melissa

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    By: Sabrena Hassan and Melissa Dubrow

    Out of the four audios Melissa captured, she chose to show me two: an audio of the train and an audio of the crosswalk beeping. Her choices were a result of wanting to capture the essence of New York City. Of course, one of the most important parts of New York City is transportation. Melissa captures the sounds of two of New York City’s most common forms of transportation: the subway and walking. She talks about how hearing the train and the crosswalk beeping is “very New York.” As New Yorkers we don’t recognize how much noise takes up the city because it’s almost always noisy.

    See this post on its own page: NYC Audio Interview with Melissa
  • My interview with Jeff

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    Video was recorded in the neighborhood. I wanted to know Jeff’s inspiration.

    Question: what was the inspiration for your recording 

    R: A friend said how the group we were apart of was very loud  and it reminded him of his neighborhood in the Bronx

    It reminds me of the Bronx- Jeff

    See this post on its own page: My interview with Jeff
  • Gloria’s Audio

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    I recorded this walking down the street two blocks from the Macaulay Honors College building.

    When doing my interview with Amber we discussed what noises that were picked up by our recordings. Some of the noises we recorded were similar and had their own way of representing what it is like in the city. Specifically mine had people talking and bicycle noises while Ambers had cars beeping.

    See this post on its own page: Gloria’s Audio
  • My interview with Timothy and this is the video

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    Timothy really loves birds and it brings him peace. Without birds in  nyc isn’t  nyc. 

    See this post on its own page: My interview with Timothy and this is the video
  • My interview with Amelie

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    I recorded this near Lincoln Center. I then did the interview with Amelie, who described her experience in New York City, based on the recording. Amelie’s answer to one question stood out to me, which I want to share:

    “One thing that Amelie loves about New York City, was that its always moving and there’s always something to do in the city. Amelie also mentioned that no matter who you are and where you came from (tourists, etc), you can always move and find different attractions to your interests. You can always stay entertained in the city, for example, even taking a public transportation can be a fun thing, since anything can happen there, from different situations, people or you could even end up in a “movie type” dangerous situation, which can increase your adrenaline.”

    See this post on its own page: My interview with Amelie
  • Katryna SPACE

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    This is the design for the game I made in 2021. Cherry Run! It’s actually kind of fun, though elementary.

    Here is a picture of marigolds

    See this post on its own page: Katryna SPACE
  • Interview with Gordon

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    Gordon and I are both freshmen in college from Brooklyn. Gordon spoke about what Park Slope, Brooklyn is like. He described Park Slope of a neighborhood that is very familiar, in the sense that there a lot of families and children. Though neighborhoods like Park Slope feel like home and friendly sometimes these feels not might be felt in fast past places such as Manhattan. Gordon’s picture features a food truck. He stated that the guy at the food truck has friendly. The food truck itself was trying to be a neighborhood spot.

    “No cultural connection, I was just hungry.”

    See this post on its own page: Interview with Gordon
  • Interview with Jamie

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    “More modern is less homey”

    I interviewed Jamie, a Macaulay Honors Student at Lehman College. Walking around the Macaulay building on the upper west side, an area she is not familiar with, Jamie was struck by the sense of familiarity she had with a five story brick building on the corner of Columbus Ave and 67th street. Talking about the building, Jamie reflected on her upbringing in Sunset Park and the way her childhood neighborhood has changed over the years. She says the change is most visible in new storefronts and in the demographic of the neighborhood. She feels that the new “modern” design, increasingly present across the city, is “less homey,” but she refuses to be entirely pessimistic about the change.

    See this post on its own page: Interview with Jamie
  • Interview Experience:

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    ” Since I was young, I always admired the ambition news anchors have to unlock the truth .”

    – Reuben Gampel

    I really enjoyed getting to hear about Reuben’s views on the news. The interview seemed like a natural conversation, where ideas seemed to flow between us. We both were comfortable sharing our personal experiences, which is vital to have an authentic and fruitful interview.

    See this post on its own page: Interview Experience:
  • Interview Reaction

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    “Broadway made me fall in love with New York City.”

    Kayla Brand

    It was really interesting getting to interview Kayla and hearing about her first experiences in New York City, which revolved around Broadway. As a fellow Broadway lover I found it easy to relate to her feelings about the plays she saw. Kayla made the interview very easy and laid back. The conversation was very smooth and comfortable that I felt no problem asking her questions nor any problem opening up to her when she interviewed me.

    See this post on its own page: Interview Reaction
  • Interview with Leora

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    “I felt encouraged seeing the bikes, knowing that so many others can ride bikes without falling off.” She was then ready to get back on and try to ride once again.

    See this post on its own page: Interview with Leora
  • Eyewitness News

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    Isn’t this what NYC is all about? Literally being an “eyewitness” to some of the greatest events on planet Earth? Additionally, I have always loved the NYC is the capital of nightly news, NBC, ABC, etc, and so it is always neat to run across a news van.

    See this post on its own page: Eyewitness News
  • Columbus Ave Food Truck

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    The impersonal, postmodern feeling of this truck is, in my experience, characteristic of most new “old school” spots in NYC.

    See this post on its own page: Columbus Ave Food Truck
  • Architecture in NYC

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    I grew up in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The architecture in this image is similar to the buildings in Sunset Park. The similar architecture brings back nice memories from childhood.

    See this post on its own page: Architecture in NYC