
  • My Interview with Iman (Timothy)

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    This is a recording in Central Park of horses walking and I asked questions to Iman to see what he thought of it.

    Question 1: What does this sound make you think of?

    Iman: It reminded me of the ancient times as the tempo of the horse’s footsteps brought back old vibes and a nostalgic feeling. It showed how advanced technology is and how it has improved over the decades.

    Question 2: What role does it play in New York?

    Iman: The role that it plays in New York is an example of evolution as it was an example of the past and the present. The audio showed me the change from the horses to horse power like cars and reminded me on how busy and hectic New York is.

    Question 3: How do you relate to the sound?

    Iman: I am constantly on the go like a horse as I am always working towards a goal whether that be in academically or basketball related. In basketball, the ball is high as the horses can be. Horses relates to my school, personal, and basketball life.

    See this post on its own page: My Interview with Iman (Timothy)