
  • A New York Interview with Danielle Ashurov

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    by Khadija Fall

    A skyline picture of Manhattan

    With only a 20 second audio recording in the streets of New York, I was able to get very interesting answers of Danielle Ashurov’s perspective of the heart of New York.

    The audio recording had sounds of cars, laughing, honking, and nature. I was curious to find out what these sounds could elicit through the interview.

    Q: Can you name 3 prominent noises and why these stood out?

    Danielle’s answer was similar to my own, hearing loud laughing, light conversation, and the cars driving on the street. However, she had picked up the word “nostalgia” being said in background conversation where I hadn’t. It was interesting to see what different sounds we gravitated towards and identified

    Q: Try and identify the place where you think these recordings happened. Why do you think this?

    Danielle and I were in the same area, so this question was one she already knew, but she identified it specifically as Manhattan because of the noises and

    Q: Think of 5 words to describe this audio clip. Why did you choose these words?

    ” Chaotic, Harmonious, Comfortable, Synonymous, Life” were the words Danielle used, and I was specifically interested in her choice of the word ‘life”.

    “I’ve grown accustomed to those noises,” Danielle said, and hearing the sounds of cars and joyous laughter have become akin to life for her.

    New York City is a place of laughter, loud noises, and life for so many. This interview exercise was a great way to understand my classmates better and discover more of NYC.

    Khadija Fall, Danielle Ashurov

    See this post on its own page: A New York Interview with Danielle Ashurov
  • My interview with Katryna ~ Ismael

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    I recorded a quick chat with a runner in Central Park and I asked Katryna how she interacted with other New Yorkers, whether she preferred New York be more communal, and finally what she recommended people do to meet new people.

    The recording:

    Katryna does not speak with strangers often because of the negative events that occur in the city regularly. By minding her business, Katryna feels safer but this does not mean she feels isolated. By engaging in different extracurriculars and church Katryna is able to have her own community.

    See this post on its own page: My interview with Katryna ~ Ismael