Is This Science? “Endangered Species: The de-extinction Controversy”


I’m sure most of you guys had a clear idea of an issue you wanted to further explore when Professor C first gave us the assignment to find an article on a controversial environmental topic, but in my case, I wound up choosing and article on an issue I didn’t even know was and issue, so I definitely learned something new.

I found an article on The Weather Network website (its actually a pretty awesome website just for exploring alone) about the “de-extinction” of endangered species which, again, I wasn’t even aware was a thing. I soon found out however, it most certainly is a thing.

Following the flow chart, I gathered that the author’s unspoken beliefs/feelings do not necessarily support the idea of ‘de-extincting’ animals. All of the evidence she provided throughout the article seemed to be of the failed attempts to ‘de-extinct’ animals, and of the attempts that were a success, she made sure to highlight all the defects and unfortunate events following the successful attempt.

Some scientists/experts on the other hand, are all for the bringing back of extinct animals. Some believe they “have an obligation to try and do this”, especially if we (humans) are the reasons the animals are extinct to begin with. Others argue that the resources invested in trying to bring back animals that are no longer living should be redirected to the animals that are living (I happen to agree).

If these animals are brought back, many feel the many threats the eliminated the species in the first place, like climate change and human interference, still exist today. (This is clearly true) If these animals are brought back, the chances of them becoming extinct again are tremendous.

I could be wrong, but it seems this author of this article is trying to emphasize the dangers and the sheer uncertainty about sure a serious scientific interest. If that was her intent, she won me over. I went from not knowing people were trying to bring back extinct animals, to actually hoping people song bring back extinct animals. It’s hard to explain, but just thinking about it makes me feel weird.

There’s the link if you want to read it for yourselves

And as far as the initial question: Is this science? I definitely think it is.

One thought on “Is This Science? “Endangered Species: The de-extinction Controversy””

  1. Thanks Makeba! I’m so glad you learned about this issue- it is definitely a hot one right now in the field of conservation and I think most people agree with you- but there are interesting debates about maybe using this technology to bolster populations of extant (living) species that are declining rapidly, like rhinos.

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