Ecological Footprint

  1. My original footprint was 5.2, which means that if everyone in the world lived the way I did we would require that many earth’s to sustain ourselves, which is about the same as the national average of 5 earths.
  2. Three parameters that I maximized were my diet, transportation, and energy usage. Maximizing my meat consumption increased the number of planets to 7.1, maximizing my transportation increased the number of planets to 8.5, and maximizing energy usage increased the number of planets to 8.8. Changes I could make in my lifestyle to minimize the harm that I am causing to the planet is by eating less meat and buying my meat locally or completely cutting out meat and becoming a vegetarian or vegan. Also I could use more public transportation or walk to more places rather than using a car. I could also minimize the amount of energy that I use by using less energy at home and living in a smaller and more environmentally friendly home.
  3. As a society we need to make it easier and more convenient to become environmentally friendly. When it is easier for people to take these steps they will be more willing to do them. We need to give people an incentive to be active in protecting and sustaining this planet. Certain things we could do is by reducing the cost that goes into being environmentally friendly.



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