My Ecological Footprint

    1. My ecological footprint requires 4.2 planet Earths and 18.7 global acres to support my lifestyle. While the number of planet Earths is below the country average, my number of acres is 1.7 above the average. Energy land is what takes up most of my 18.7 global acres.
    2. I maximized diet, public transportation, and waste/recycling habits to see how this would change my ecological footprint. Maximizing the public transportation would have made my footprint to be just under 7 planet Earths, maximizing my diet was the second largest increase, and maximizing the waste/recycling habits would have been the smallest increase of the three. I rarely use public transportation during the week because I always walk to and from school. As for my diet, I could eat more organic foods. I honestly don’t remember the last time I ate a fruit.  Most of the meals I eat for dinner include meat so I could definitely try to eat less of it.  I already recycle all of my plastic bottles.  I think that using my electronics less  would make the most difference on my ecological footprint because I know that I waste a lot of electricity. One of my bad habits is leaving the television on as background noise.  Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 8.29.01 PM3. I think that we should all decrease the amount of electricity we use daily.  Turning off lights that aren’t being used or turning off the televisions and computers when we are not in the room would be really beneficial.  Those who often drive cars can try using public transportation even if it’s only once a week because that could decrease the amount of air pollution there is, especially in a place like New York City.  One can try walking to their destinations because that would benefit the environment as well as one’s own health.  In order to create a more sustainable society, many people need to change their lifestyles because one person won’t make much of a difference on our planet.

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