Mini-BioBlitz 2014 : Lily Pond

1Unfortunately I was unable to make it to the BioBlitz with the rest of the Macaulay gang, but I was able to do a sort of “Mini-BioBlitz” on my own at the Lily Pond located on our very own Brooklyn College campus. During  my time at the Lily Pond,  I observed the various plants (as well as a turtle!) that were there. I am not very good at identifying various types of plants, but I did take pictures and record some notes regarding the appearance of each plant. My findings were as followed:


As shown above, I came across a short sort of leafy bush with spear-shaped leaves that were dark green in color with some white along the edges. I have no idea what this plant is called (for the purposes of this reflection I will call it Plant #1), but it smelled kind of nice!


Next to Plant #1, there was another squat leafy bush (Plant #2). This one was significantly smaller in size compared to the other plant, but it had roughly the same shaped leaves, but these leaves lacked the white colored edging the others had. The veins in Plant #2 were also more prominent thank that of Plant #1 (or at least they appeared to be). Again, I have no idea what the scientific name of this plant is.


The plant shown above (Plant #3) posses significantly differing characteristics than that of the previous two. This plant’s leaves had more of a jagged edge and unlike the other two, this plant had some lavender flowering on it. The flowers faintly resemble bells when closed, but when opened, they look like most flower petals. I forgot to smell this plant, and I’m annoyed I didn’t. It seems like it might smell nice.


My favorite part of the Lily Pond is the mass assortment of colorful flower bushes and plants they have encircled within a small wall of hedges.  The wall and some sort of sundial statue keep you from entering the circle and getting an up and personal look at the flowers (and maybe thats why they’re all still so pretty) but even from a distance you can easily make out all the beautiful reds and pinks and organs. I wish I knew what these were called so I could plant some at home!

That’s about it. I didn’t have as thrilling of a BioBlitz as I’m sure the rest of Macaulay did, but I can’t say I’m unhappy with my Mini-BioBlitz. I was able to see some beautiful plants, some cute turtles, and escape from the sheer “urbanness” of Brooklyn for a little bit.  All in all, a successful visit.

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