The Evolution of the Hoodie

I chose the hoodie because I think it’s so interesting that while hoodies are an essential part to anyone’s closet, the thought never crossed my mind as to how the hoodie came about. It struck me how we take these comfy grab-and-go clothes for granted. The hoodie was not always as accepted as it is today. The hoodie started off as as a garment to keep athletes warm pre and post training. In the 1950s, college students began wearing them, and the trend spread from there, becoming a symbol of non-conformity to the business dress code. The hoodie took on political meaning when, in 2012, Zimmerman, a volunteer on watch duty, killed an African American teenager, as he looked suspicious for roaming the streets in a hoodie. Million Hoodie Marches were organized to protest racism and violence. So, the next time you are having a lazy morning and just throw on that hoodie sweatshirt, think for a moment and be thankful that all the work and sacrifice was done for you. 

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