We’re using Eportfolios with the Aesop Story Engine enabled for our Sight and Sound NYC site.

Below are resources to help you add components such as pull quotes, videos, images, maps, and more. 

Step 1: Create a New Post.

We’ve done this before. This time we’re doing it on the Sight and Sound NYC site.


2. Set a Subhead.

Enter your subhead in the “Excerpt” field. 


3. Set a Featured Image.

The featured image becomes the image background for your story tile on the landing page as well as the cover image at the top of your story. Make sure to use a wide, high-resolution image. 


4. Add your text.

This might seem obvious. 


5. Add Components. 

This is where Aesop Story Engine offers unique options. 

Adding components generates blocks that contain the component. Add the components anywhere you’d like within your text, the beginning, middle, or end. 

Please feel free to play around with the options. You can’t really break anything.


Pull Quotes

There are many options, but the most important thing is to enter the quote. 



Embed an external video. For example, a Youtube video.



Play it safe here and use a well-known format such as MP3. The audio player has many options worth investigating and playing with, including either showing the player or not (and having the audio play automatically). 


There are more options in the Component section. Please explore them! 

6. Enjoy it!
