Cristian Statescu

Cristian carrying his friend.
Cristian Statescu

Hello everyone! My name is Cristian Statescu. I’m a pretty expressive person. If I have any ideas to share, I’ll try my best to get those ideas out there (which is something that I bring to this class). My career plans are a bit uncertain at the moment, but I plan to either do something in the field of computer science or medicine. My passion is helping others achieve their fitness goals, especially those struggling with their weight (as I did about a year ago). My high school graduation was pretty lack-luster to say the least. It was an hour-long video that basically had a slideshow of all the seniors with a couple of speeches sprinkled in. My summer was as fun as it could be during these times: at home either killing time by playing video games, listening to music, or working out and making fitness plans to help others. My favorite place in New York City would be Chinatown because of all of the amazing food. My favorite place outside of New York City would probably have to be Pennsylvania, as it’s both me and my family’s refuge from the loudness of the city. I’m excited to be a part of this class and can’t wait to get to know you all better!

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