Anna Kaur

Happy person smiling with eyes closed.

Hello, fellow New Yorkers! My name is Anureet, but many people call me Anna. I was born and raised in Queens, NYC and consider it home. Growing up as a first-generation Punjabi-American, I’ve been able to experience the best of both worlds living here. If you didn’t know, Queens is the nation’s most diverse large county! I love to explore in my free time, whether it be delving into a new science article or discovering a new food spot in the city, I’m always up for a new adventure. For my unconventional sweet sixteen, I chose to visit The Color Factory in Manhattan with my close friends, as shown in the green-tinted photo. My favorite place in NYC is JFK Airport. Growing up, I’d visit my dad’s office there and look forward to when we would actually get to travel ourselves. The place holds bittersweet memories of sending loved ones off to faraway cities and reuniting with them with open arms. As I am currently a Biology major on the pre-med track, I’d love to continue my adventures in medical school.

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