Fall 2017

My Art: Photography


What is photography? To me, photography is capturing a single moment in time. It’s taking the time to pause and look at your surroundings long enough to want to capture it in a single image. Photography is not always using a big fancy camera, sometimes it’s the small moments you can capture on your phone or disposable film camera (if anyone reading this still uses those). Photography is being able to captivate an audience with one click.

I started taking photos of everything from food, to nature, to people because I really love the feeling to look back at them. Looking back at a single image can take you back to a specific time and place in your life which is an amazing feeling. I love looking back at baby pictures because even though I can’t remember the specific moment, it feels like I am there watching myself. I wish my parents documented every

single moment of my baby years because I would love to see myself grow up. I can recall memories starting from when I was five years old and it is a shame when my parents bring up specific memories from before that time period because I can’t remember them. I started to take a lot of pictures just to have memories to look back on when I’m older.  I love taking pictures of scenery for two reasons, one being because its aesthetically pleasing but also, I want to remember how I felt when I first witnessed something very beautiful.

            I am the person to take pictures of food and post it on Instagram, I’m not ashamed to say that my Instagram is full of food. I love doing this because I love eating with my friends and experiencing new restaurants and documenting my experience. When I have a picture of food to look back on, I can remember how amazing the restaurant was and go back another time. Studies also show that people who take pictures of their food before eating it are more likely to enjoy it!! I’m not sure if the study is true or not, but it doesn’t hurt to try it out.

            I also love taking pictures of flowers and nature because I love focusing on smaller details. It’s funny to seeme taking photos of flowers or anything because I’ll squat down in a really awkward position just to get the focus and angle right.

I think photography is something that is really fun to get into, and again you don’t need a fancy camera to get started. Just take out your phone and photograph any single moment you would want to look back on.


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