Fall 2017

My Canvas: Me

I was avoiding writing this blog post for the sole fact that I am the least knowledgable person on art Salvador Dali who? However as I was folding clothes at work I saw this beautiful shade of blue and thought to myself “wow this blue would make an awesome eyeshadow look.” That’s when it hit me I do art almost everyday, makeup may not seem like art to you but to me it is, it’s a way to express myself.

  This is my bag of tropical skittles look. 

 This is my I’m about to fly away into a dark abyss of sadness because I left all my homework until the last possible second.

 My “why isn’t green eyeshadow a thing?” look.

I began wearing makeup at the age of eight, eight you may say? That’s so young, your mom let you wear makeup at eight years old? …No, she did not but in the third grade I was that girl wearing a rainbow eyeshadow look because I was feeling happy. Since a young age I always associated colors with emotions and makeup was a way to incorporate that into my life, as I got older my passion for makeup only increased and if it wasn’t for my 7 am classes I would wear it everyday. As a quote I just read on google said which can be accredited to www.artpromotivate.com “Art undeniably is conductive to happiness” I don’t wear makeup because I feel like I need it I wear it because the process makes me happy plain and simple. If I’m having a stressful day I’ll go to my vanity and pull out that morphe 35B palette and instantly feel a sense of bliss everybody has a happy place and mine is makeup.


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