Even the Smallest Works of Art can have a Purpose

While walking around in Downtown Brooklyn, I came across this interesting work wrapped around a tree. At first, I thought it was just something made out of legos, but it was so interesting that I gave it a closer inspection. After a couple of minutes, I realized it is more than just something built out of legos and wrapped around a tree! Do you see it? There’s a message. It takes a while to decode.

Can you decode the message?

Can you decode the message?

Perhaps it was built as just a joke, but maybe it wasn’t. Regardless, the message is pretty funny and it is something everyone should consider. “PEE N DIE,” is what the artist wants to tell you. Pee on the tree and you will die. What can we gather from this? People and animals should consider the well being of trees. Try and not harm them with acidic fluids. Passing art like this is easy to ignore. It is always an accomplishment when you actually stop and notice something like this. If you ever see something that seems out of place, take a minute and decode it! Any piece of art can having meaning such as this one.