Food, Self, and Society

On Hiatuses, New Beginnings (Again), & Food

Alright, here’s the thing.  I started this blog with the intention of writing every day.  I wanted to expose the world (who hadn’t been exposed yet) to Bruce Springsteen through a song a day, and through other artists, too.  I wanted a brief summary of noteworthy things that have happened in my life.  I wanted to make commentaries on other things, too – everything that annoyed me, really.  I’ve come to the realization, though, that writing every day was a very unrealistic goal for me; now that I’ve started school, it seems nearly impossible.  Frankly, I’d given up on blogging at all.

So that’s the first hiatus I’m talking about today.  It’s over now, thanks to Professor Cho’s Food, Self & Society class.  For those of you reading this who are not in that class, it’s a sociological, anthropological, psychological, etc way of looking at food and it’s function as to society and to the individual.  For those of you who are in that class with me and are reading this, my having made such a distinction may seem odd.  Allow me to explain – I’m writing this in my blog that I’ve already established and have entries imported via an RSS feed of some sort to the class page.  It’s a bit more convenient that way.

The new point of this blog, then (at least for the next few months), is to document my life around food in some way or another.  Posts will not be uniform in style, nor will they be uniform in frequency.  One week, I may post only once.  Another, I may post several times.  Most likely, it will be the former.  We shall see.

Right now, I haven’t figured out how exactly to bring food into this, though that’s just as well – this is merely a re-introduction of sorts.  You can look forward to a new entry soon, with the new format (we will be retaining the Springsteen song of the day!).

For now, I bid you adieu.

PS – the second hiatus?  Fall Out Boy, and how they’ve seemingly broken up.  They’ve had a nice run, and I won’t pretend I’m not just a little bit disappointed.  At least I got to see them live once before.  All I can do at this point is wish each member the best of luck.

Good night, world.

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